GEMBA Walk: The Washington University School of Medicine Neuroscience Research Building (St. Louis CoP)

St. Louis Community of Practice

Join us on a site visit of WashU’s 12-story, new research building with a connector link bridge to adjacent facilities, parking structure, and utility plant. Budgeted at $616 million, the project is expected to finish construction in Summer of 2023. Do not miss this opportunity to watch and learn in real time how the project team is implementing numerous Lean practices through design and construction including daily huddles, visual management, constraint management, Scrum, Last Planner System and Takt planning. Attendance will be limited to 20 people.


  • Joshua Kreitler is a Project Superintendent at McCarthy Building Companies. Joshua has more than 12 years of construction experience as a general contractor. Josh is a Core Group Leader of the LCI St Louis’ Community of Practice and a passionate Lean champion and practitioner.