Resources for Lean Construction Beginners

New to Lean

New to Lean? You are in the right place.

Adopting Lean is often described as a journey – we all start unaware and work toward mastery. Once your team learns about the power of Lean to increase value and decrease waste on projects, you’ll want to join LCI’s mission to transform the AEC industry.

We’re All Better Together

Lean thinking, processes and behaviors can integrate our siloed industry into high-performing, success-oriented teams that foster collaboration between all project participants from owners to trade partners. Together we can empower everyone in our industry to create more efficient, safe, collaborative, innovative and, ultimately, more successful work.

Learn More
LCI’s flagship publication, Transforming Design & Construction – a framework for change is the go-to guide for the Lean beginner. Start here to receive free and valuable information to start your Lean journey.

Transforming Design & Construction – a framework for change

LCI’s flagship publication is the go-to guide for the Lean beginner. Read the first and most popular book in the Transforming Design and Construction series to gain a high-level understanding of various Lean principles, strategies and methods. Preview the book by downloading the first chapter – Lean Construction Overview.


Engage with LCI

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Join us at LCI Congress or Lean in Design Forum

Join The Lean Movement

Learn how to use Lean tools, implement Lean thinking and grow your organization through reducing waste, eliminating cost overruns and delivering projects on time. Choose the education topics and methods specially designed for your job function, industry, and unique needs and embark on your learning path today!

Test Your Lean Knowledge

Complete a Lean assessment to calibrate your current knowledge and integration of Lean concepts, then analyze your areas for improvement to begin your learning path! Lean assessments are helpful for people who are new to Lean and experienced Lean practitioners alike. Complete your brief assessment today.