5S Manager: Countermeasure to Chaos (Colorado CoP)
Colorado Community of Practice
Want to get 5S from concept to sustained reality? Hear the story of the Denver Airport project where a labor foreman became a hands-on 5S manager focused on developing relationships with trade foremen, rolling up his sleeves to shift plans into action, and sustaining this through follow-on efforts. Learn about the cheesy, but wildly popular Golden Dustpan Award, the one-page Trade 5S plan conversation starter, and 5S Walks, featuring a bite-size 5S class followed by real work and real action plans. If you want 5S to be an X factor in hitting your schedules, reducing accidents, and creating harmony in your projects, attend this session.
- Chris Davis, Turner Construction Company
Chris has been managing projects for over thirty years, mostly as a project manager, and most recently as a lean manager. As a Lean manager, he gets to focus more on people and process…which opens paths to a better construction industry. Chris is a strict adherent to W. Edwards Deming’s belief that “people are entitled to joy in work.” - Jacob Strong, Turner Construction Construction Company
- Robert Wayland, RK Mechanical