An Introduction to Choosing By Advantages and Overcoming Common Obstacles (Colorado CoP)
Colorado Community of Practice
Are you ever frustrated trying to evaluate and communicate various options to the client and project team? Or how to evaluate a new potential partner or materials? We can help with that! Choosing By Advantages (CBA) is a great way to make and share decisions in an easy-to-understand way and to help the client and team reach a decision that sticks. Join us to hear about the foundational basics of CBA as well as some of the common struggles people have when they are learning CBA. A copy of the book Choosing By Advantages: How to Make Sound Decisions is included with your registration fee.
- Rebecca Snelling coaches people, teams and organizations on Leadership and Lean Transformation with an emphasis on advancing culture. She is a Master Trainer of the Choosing By Advantages Sound Decisionmaking and author of the book Choosing By Advantages: How to Make Sound Decisions. Rebecca has been actively involved with the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) since 2008 and currently serves on both the LCI Colorado Core team and the National Board of Directors for the LCI.
Light snacks and refreshments are included.