WEBINAR: LCI Course - Lean in the Design Phase
During the Design Phase, teams seek ways to improve client outcomes while maximizing design excellence. Lean in the Design Phase webinar participants gain insight to Lean approaches and tools relative to the design phase to optimize team communication, collaboration and results. Learners will understand how a Lean strategy can drive innovative solutions by connecting people, principles and practices. This webinar is foundationally important for anyone involved in preconstruction to improve the impact you are having on the project outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn key definitions of Lean, review foundational goals and benefits, recognize key components, and discover the Eight Wastes.
- Learn how to connect people through collaborative communication by understanding the Lean mindset and identifying keys to developing a high-performing team.
- Learn how to connect principles and practices by discovering the benefits of key Lean approaches: Big Room, Target Value Delivery and Collaborative Planning.
- Discover set-based design practices, understand the impact of sound decision-making, and the relationship to optimizing outcomes.