Target Value Delivery (Georgia CoP)

Georgia Community of Practice

Target Value Design (Delivery) is a disciplined management practice that is used throughout project definition, design, detailing, construction, commissioning and activation to assure that the facility meets the operational needs and values of the users, is delivered within the allowable budget, and promotes innovation though out the process to increase value and eliminate waste.

Staying within the allowable budget and ensuring the team’s innovation increases value to the customer and decreases waste are attributes of successful project delivery and can be achieved through Target Value Delivery (TVD). In the Target Value Delivery course, you will gain an understanding of the phases and key components of TVD and will discover how the components interact together to improve the process and outcome of the project. This highly interactive course will provide a repeatable approach to exploring value and empowering your team to optimize the return on investment for the project. 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the meaning of Target Value Delivery and understand the intent of the approach.
  2. Define relevant terminology required for implementing TVD and understand the interconnectedness of the four phases, including the actions and outputs of each phase.
  3. Identify key Core Components of TVD and how they interrelate to improve the project process and outcomes.
  4. Discover set-based design practices, understand the impact of sound decision-making, and the relationship to Target Value Delivery.