WEBINAR: Two Lean Coaches Analyze Last Planner System® Implementation: Successes and Failures
In this highly visual 90 minutes, two Lean coaches with a cumulative 19 years’ experience in over 400 Last Planner System® sessions on over 90 projects break down what works, what doesn’t and the essentials for Last Planner System® success.
Dan Fauchier and Kyle Martinez will look at in-person sessions and virtual sessions and point out the differences when working virtually. Their experience includes projects in commercial, residential (multi-family and single family), healthcare, public works and industrial/agriculture.
Some discussion of “the basics” are included, but this is most valuable for those who are using or plan to use Last Planner System® on a project and want a deeper discussion of who to invite, how to prepare, how to connect Milestones, Phase Pulls and Weekly Work Plans, use of software, planning virtually, and more.