Villego® Last Planner Simulation – In Person (Minnesota CoP)

Minnesota Community of Practice

Get hands-on Last Planner® experience with the Villego® Last Planner Simulation

As a part of this interactive 6 hour workshop participants will learn the basics of the Last Planner System (LPS) by participating in an interactive simulation highlighting the differences between traditional planning methods and LPS.  Participants will also get an understanding of what a Reliable Commitment is and how a culture of commitments will transform a project environment.  

Box lunch is provided.
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions.


  • Ryan Ring, Senior Coach, LeanProject
    Ryan is an experienced Last Planner System and Lean Construction coach with over 22 years’ experience in the construction industry.  A third-generation carpenter, Ryan held positions from apprentice through superintendent before becoming a full-time coach over seven years ago.  A former chair of The Lean Construction Institute’s Minnesota Community of Practice, Ryan's passion for improving the lives of those who work in the industry makes him a great resource for the people he coaches.
  • Angie Gillquist, Senior Coach, LeanProject
    Angie is a lifelong Minnesotan and has been in the   design and construction industry for over 15 years, with a graduate level   degree in Organizational Leadership. She has a passion for connecting people   and ideas. Through working shoulder-to-shoulder with teams, she aims to help   people find a more organized, efficient way to do their jobs to reduce stress   on individuals, teams, and organizations. Angie loves helping people,   continuous improvement, and the construction processes.