Mindset of an Effective Big Room (Arizona CoP)

Arizona Community of Practice

What is a Big Room?

How do I set one up?

How do I implement one on my project?

This training session will introduce the concept of a Big Room and how it fits into the design and construction process. Participants will learn the benefits of using a Big Room, how to setup the space using visual management and other Lean tools and what activities take place in a Big Room. They will also learn how to effectively manage and champion the time spent in this highly collaborative setting. 


  • Natasha Schnaitmann
    Natasha has been passionate about Lean and IPD Construction since 2011 when she had the privilege of being a design build Trade Partner on her first LIPD/IFOA project. She has over 20 years of construction operations experience and is constantly looking for ways to improve project efficiency and promote positive team behaviors that lead to winning project outcomes.

Adult beverages, soda and water will be available.