Using the PDCA Cycle to Manage Design Deliverables (Milwaukee CoP)
Wisconsin Community of Practice
Learn how the Miron Sagola team used the PDCA cycle to better define design deliverables, get reliable commitments from the design team, and track the reliability of those commitments to manage the deliverables on a large industrial project. The tool was then used as the meeting agenda to prioritize discussions, keep the agenda organized, and reduce the number of items that needed to be reviewed on a weekly basis, thereby saving time by shortening the meetings.
- Ross Bons is a Project Manager with Miron who is currently in charge of the $126M, 21-month LP Sagola project near Iron Mountain, MI. He specializes in large industrial projects.
- Wyatt Griesbach is a Project Manager for Miron working on the LP Sagola project. He specializes in working with the mechanical and process piping trades on Miron’s industrial team. Prior to working on the Sagola project, Wyatt was working on another LP project located in Houlton, Maine.
- Karen Newhouse has 25+ years’ experience in the industry as a Project Manager working on projects across the country including an $812M Sutter Health IPD/IFOA project in Sacramento, CA. She is currently Miron’s Director, Lean Services helping Miron advance their Lean journey.