Addressing Mental Health in the Construction Industry

Northern California Community of Practice


For every 100,000 construction workers, 45.3 will end up committing suicide. This is compared to the national average of 14.2, which means that a person working in construction is 3.5 times more likely to take their own life when compared to other occupations. Colleagues in design and engineering lose 23.2 people for every 100,000workers – nearly 2 times the national average

This presentation will demonstrate how to introduce discussions and actions around mental health into our industry culture

This presentation was rated as one of the Top Presentations at the 25th LCI Congress in Detroit. 



  • Brittanie Campbell-Turner, American Family Insurance
  • Sean Graystone, Fluor
  • Dave Hagan, Devenney Group Ltd., Architects
  • Henry Nutt, III, Southland Industries


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