Leandris Weeden Solidifies His Future in Lean Construction

Leandris Weeden Solidifies His Future in Lean Construction

Leandris Weeden of Layton Construction Company has just become the first person to complete the LCI-CPC certification, positioning himself and his company for a future where Lean experience is in increasingly high demand.

Leandris took the initiative to get the certification on his own. His employer empowers him to choose his own training and bring his new knowledge back to the rest of his team. He will be encouraging the rest of his team to consider pursuing the LCI-CPC certification.

To earn the credential he completed the three-hour remote proctored knowledge assessment and spent a few hours each day over the course of 3-4 days completing the capability assessment, while continuing his normal work.

In preparing for the certification, Leandris built on his prior Lean experience. “Anyone who has a Lean mindset and is familiar with core LCI programs like Last Planner System® and how to apply this to real world situations should be ready to pursue the credential,” remarked Weeden. “The LCI-CPC has more merit than other certifications and I highly recommend it.”

After completing the LCI-CPC certification, Leandris is better prepared for the future and brings valuable knowledge to his team and his projects as a professional with Lean experience.

The LCI-CPC certification is ideal for Lean construction project executives, project managers, foremen, field leaders, and project engineers, and can help anyone advance their career in construction. Certification not only benefits individuals, but the industry as a whole, identifying teams with real world experience. Apply for the certification today on leanconstruction.org.